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Saturday, December 04, 2010

Christmas Cards

Guys! It's that time of year again--Christmas card time! David and I are going to brave the eight inches of snow that fell in yesterday's Winter Storm to go pick up a Christmas tree, which is the component I've been waiting for to put this year's cards together.

Anyway, you know the drill: if you send me your mailing address, I'll send you a real-live, in-person, homemade Christmas card, no strings attached (obviously). If you were on my list last year, you're probably on it again this year anyway--though it never hurts to remind me (especially if you're no longer at your former address!). Addresses go to disasterkitchen ((at))

Here is last year's design:

This year's, of course, is a surprise--so send me your address!


april said...

Does DAY-vid get a nod on this year's card? It's not going on my fridge without DAY-vid.

CëRïSë said...

As much as I love DAY-vid, the cards are coming just from me and my bike again this year! We're not ready for a joint-Christmas-card kind of commitment. =)

Misty said...

I would like a Christmas card. Maybe David will make his appearance next year? =)

CëRïSë said...

Misty, I'll absolutely send you one! As far as David (and perhaps his bike!) making an appearance, I guess we'll see how we feel next Christmas!

David said...

I'm a little too grinchy to make it on a Christmas card.