I am back home, and delighted to be here, Winter Storm notwithstanding!Actually, the snow feels very festive; David helped me bring home a beautiful (sustainably- and locally-grown) tree this afternoon, and although it's a bit short on lights and thus still undecorated, I am thrilled to have it glowing prettily and deliciously scenting my living room!
I've had my own place for the past six or seven Christmases, but have always returned to my parents' for my entire Christmas break from school, and thus have eschewed any decorating. But this year, whether because I was inspired by decorating at David's parents'; or because spending several weeks in Walla Walla is admittedly less tempting than spending them in sunny southern California; or because David's Real Job doesn't have quite the Christmas break my semi-permanent student gig does, and I don't want to abandon him entirely; a tree seemed like the right decision.
I'll get another string or two of lights, and then I can't wait to deck it out in my 25-for-$5 Target mini balls and the string ornaments I started tonight!* I also have silver and gold spray paint and lots of glitter, so we'll also see what else I might find to hang.
In other seasonal news, it's time to get in your Christmas card requests! As I did last year, I'll be sending real live cards to whomever would like them.** If you want in on the Single Person Christmas Card Crusade action, send your mailing address to disasterkitchen ((at)) Whether I know you in person or not, whether you're an avid commenter, emphatic lurker, or are visiting here for the first time, I'd love to share the Christmas love! So hurry and get those addresses to me--preferably within the next week (by which time, hopefully, I'll actually have the cards designed and assembled... ahem).
Merry Merry!
*Let it be noted that all water balloons are apparently not created equal; the cute little grenade ones Becca and I used were lovely and spherical, but the bag of assorted colored ones I picked up at Target tend, sadly, more toward the oblong/ovoid/generally pear-shaped.
**Though last year I forgot my dear friend Mandy, and still feel bad about it. Mandy, should I send you two cards this year? I'll try hard not to forget anyone this year!
Sorry, but I got an odd picture in my head after reading this sentence:
"I also have silver and gold spray paint and lots of glitter, so we'll also see what else I might find to hang."
Something along the lines of a "Fabulous" hangman.
@Daniel: Ha! Hahahaha!
Maybe the urge to decorate is something that kicks in late with our generation. I've experienced a bit of that this year, so maybe next year I'll be spraying things with glitter too.
Ha! Daniel, I will perpetrate no violence in decorating my tree!
And Leah, I think you should embrace the urge--and then post pictures!
I loved your holiday card last year and welcome another! As soon as I get around to doing ours I'll return the holiday spirit :)
Ashley, I'm so glad you liked it! I have your address from last year, so I'll send one along!
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