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Thursday, November 01, 2012



That's how many clicks on "older entries" it currently takes to get from the front page of this blog to my last NaBloPoMo entry (2011). A full nine posts--briefly touching upon adventures including Mouse Wars (redux); foot surgery (hallux); and the acquisition of a tautology of felines (deluxe). Clearly, I've been a less-than-consistent poster.

But what's better for consistency than a challenge? That's right: it's NaBloPoMo again, and another chance to fail (or, you know, succeed!) at posting every day for a month. I'm grateful to Mari for reminding me, and hope that lots of you join in, too. (Or at very least comment; it's seriously the comments that keep me going.)

So, one mo' NaBloPoMo? Here goes.


Mumsie said...

How exciting! This will be fun and I'll try to be good about leaving comments.

Hardboiled said...

Yay!!! Together we can do this thing!