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Friday, July 23, 2010


David shot all the video and images in the little video below with his phone, and then he edited them and set them to music* because he is awesome like that (shhhh, you'll embarrass him):

I sound a little crazy even to myself saying it, because I do know that it will be literally 100 degrees cooler in a few months (and because even today, one of the nicer ones recently, the heat and humidity in the apartment will be vitality-sapping), but I love this place. I love living here, and it bears celebrating.



Leah said...

I've been thinking about the Mississippi a lot lately (see recent post), so it's so neat to see the river in its northern reaches.

Also interesting is the shot of the truck driving by *below* the level of the river. Wild, what we've done to it, isn't it?

CëRïSë said...

Leah, your review was great; I totally feel like I should read that one now.

And believe it or not, that's actually a ship, going through the locks! I've heard a rumor that they're decommissioning those locks; I'm not sure how they'll work it to be able to maintain shipping ways around the falls.