- I got summer funding after all! This year my department only gave two of these fellowships, instead of the three they're usually able to fund, and I wasn't one of the recipients... until one of the recipients couldn't accept the money and the department offered it to me.
- The department had promised me a bit of money earlier, but it was only going to cover the plane ticket (if that). This way, I can afford to do the project justice--as well as to eat. I'm going to Europe in August!
- David is coming for part of the time, too. It is so much more fun to travel with someone than alone.
- I signed up to take a six-week letterpress class!
Speaking of cutting-edge technology, I bought a typewriter! It's for dissertation research and writing purposes. Sort of. Mostly it's just something I've wanted for a long time.- Better yet, I got a deal. If this site is to be believed, I saved myself about $820, plus shipping.*
- I had to drive to South Saint Paul to retrieve my 40 pounds of Awesome, but the ladies at the "rummage sale" pointed me to Barb's brother-in-law's shop, five blocks away, where I was able not only to pick up a brand new ribbon, but have it installed, have the holding bracket tightened, and have a brief history lesson, all for free.
My Royal is in fantastic condition, and types beautifully! I need to do some more cleaning on it, find it a better home than the kitchen table, and post pictures that better demonstrate its beauty, but as you can probably tell, I'm rather smitten.- How have I been a vegetarian for so long and never learned this technique for preparing tofu? Dry-frying + marinading appears to be the way to go (although Ter always achieved impressive results with baking, this is faster). Tonight I did a marinade of Bragg's, ginger, garlic, lime juice, rice vinegar, Sriracha, and onion before stir-frying it it up with veggies. (Can you believe I'd also never made a stir-fry sauce from scratch? And YES: the marinade IS the sauce. Total awesome sauce.
*I don't really think that site is to be believed.
Oh, I love that typewriter. I saw a house tour on Apartment Therapy whose residents had collected a lot of antique typewriters. Having more than ten was a bit much, but that one is beautiful.
Nice typewriter! I love it. Retro is pretty chic.
ALL AWESOME! I want your trip to Europe, that letterpress class sounds way fun, and your typewriter is GORGEOUS!
I'm going to run to the asian market as soon as possible for tofu so I can try this dry-frying method! Excited!
Leah, more than 10 is a bit much! I'm pretty sure I'm nowhere near that obsessive yet (though I would like to see that apartment--!).
Nothing, thanks! I looked at the photos on my work monitor and realized that they turned out pretty dark; I hope the detail isn't totally obscured for everyone.
Adrianna, thanks all around! I'll be posting on all of it...
Ashley, let me know what marinade you use and how it turns out!
Fun! I love the typewriter and the fact that you get to go to Europe and that you get money now!
i think this wins as blog post most full of exciting news and information (the tofu mystery finally being answered was a big one). i hope you're going to report on the letterpress class, because that sounds really fun.
Thanks, Larissa!
And Strovska, I've felt like kind of a downer recently, so it was great to have good news to report. I'll definitely post on the letterpress class, too!
Like the typewriter, it has flair. If you can find extra typewriter keys you could also spiff-up your computer and make it steampunk chic.http://www.wired.com/images/slideshow/2007/06/gallery_steampunk/steampunkLaptop2.jpghttp://twittertales.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/fel4.jpg
Skol Girl, those pictures were amazing! I had to google steampunk laptop and see more. Impressive.
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