So last week, Paul and Teri made their second pilgrimage out to Mpls for a visit!
I picked them up from the airport Wednesday afternoon and then we swung by the Warehouse District to pick up David and see his office before dinner at the French Meadow. Afterward, we took advantage of the amazingly gorgeous evening by popping over to Hidden Beach and the surrounding neighborhood.
Thursday, David had to work, but the three of us had breakfast at home, walked to the Ecopolitan in Uptown for a raw, vegan lunch, and then walked around downtown and the Thursday Farmers' Market.
Paul had some work to do in the burbs that evening, but David and Teri and I had vegan waffles with market strawberries, whipped cream, and Nutella!
Friday morning while David was at work, the three of us biked to Lake Calhoun, ran around it, visited my office on the East Bank, had brunch at the Seward Cafe, and then took the scenic River Road to Minnehaha Falls and the Minnehaha Depot.
We came home for Paul and Ter to pack up their things and to grab a light lunch, and then hit the Walker Sculpture Garden before getting David and heading across the river to meet Chris and Marty, with whom Paul and Ter stayed
Friday and Saturday nights. We had a take-out Thai feast and then David and I went home.
Saturday morning we reunited in St. Paul before driving to the University arboretum in Chanhassen. It began to pour on the way there, but had tapered to a drizzle by the time we arrived, and was gloriously sunny by the time we had finished our exploration of the extensive grounds. We had a lovely lunch, did a lot of yakking, played a little badminton, and then headed to the Saint Paul Science Museum, where we had intended to play mini-golf but, upon discovering it hadn't yet opened for the season, watched the Arabia Imax before heading home for a guacamole feast.
Paul and Ter flew out early Sunday afternoon, but before they left we all piled to Costco and they stocked me up with groceries. I love it when they visit--not just because they leave me with nice things, obviously (though last time they bought me a BED!)--but because they are adventuresome and excited to explore the city, as well as just being a lot of fun to spend time with! Also, although I'd been planning to visit the Ecopolitan eventually, Ter's excitement about it bumped it way up my list. "Rawvioli" and Thai "noodles" made with zucchini were definitely worth the try.
Before they arrived, David and I started writing a list of attractions in the Twin Cities (with restaurants, somewhat to our chagrin, topping the list!), and since we only got to a fraction of them, we're looking forward to having more guests come visit our fair city!
For the entire album of Paul and Ter's pictures, click here.
I'll be back for another cousin's wedding on July 10. Which may or may not be the beginning of a vacation through the Great Lakes States.
Aww, how cute! Look at you in your jackets and stuff. /laughs bitterly/
I've always wanted to go to Costco. The closest one to me is, like, 500 miles away or something.
one day *i* will be the visitor you take to all these awesome places.
one day...
Daniel, if you're in the area, let me know; it'd be great to see you!
Leah, those jackets already seem like a distant memory; the very next day, we installed our window A/C unit to deal with record-breaking temps (and humidity)! (Also, you've never been to a Costco, at all?)
And Mandy, I can't wait for your visit!
You were busy! Sounds like a great time :)
Ashley, we were, and it was! I'd love it if you and Ben could make it to the cities sometime!
Love all the pictures! Thanks for your supportive comments re:my marathon! Can't wait to hear about TCM training :)
Gina, I am so totally impressed that you did a sub-4--and also very inspired! I just need to get my act together and start training for real...c
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