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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vegetarian American

After our run yesterday, my running buddy and I met our menfolk for brunch at Maria's, which I love for its delicious and inexpensive food, but to which I hadn't been in many months. My chocolate chip pancake was so stunningly good that my fellow brunchers couldn't stop sneaking bites (which I gladly shared, as the pancake was the size of the plate). So delicious.

While there, we saw this comic,* which made me laugh out loud, repeatedly--the first time I'd done so at a newspaper funny of any sort in a long time.
"Weed Eater": so classic.

This morning I did 90 minutes of hot yoga. Between that and yesterday's run, pretty much all I feel like doing is eating. Back to it!

*Apparently the local paper runs Sunday comics on Saturday?


Larissa said...

Haha, that is a great comic! 90 minutes of hot yoga??!! I can't imagine doing 90 minutes of regular yoga. Well you always were pretty good about exercising. ;]

CëRïSë said...

Remember how we used to run at Villa? That was so great... dodging the cars around the blind corners, the complete lack of sidewalks/shoulders, going uphill both ways... =)

The hot yoga is actually a blast. We move slowly, so most of the time I don't feel like I'm going to die. They also add humidity, so even I sweat buckets, and it really does feel amazing!