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Mpls, MN, United States

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Monday, April 19, 2010


Here is another comic that recently made me smile:
Today there was no parking on my block so that the street sweepers could come through. Ordinarily this happens a week or two after the snow melts. As we didn't have any snow at all last month, it was kind of odd to realize that the streets had been dry--and, I suppose, unswept--for so long.

I've lived here long enough to know that one more snowfall isn't entirely out of the question, but it does feel an awful lot like spring. Glorious, shiny-sheets-on-the-bed, windows-open, eating-on-the-patio, planting-seedlings, garden-fantasizing, running-in-shorts, spring!


Daniel said...

Apparently pansies are very tolerant of temperature extremes, making them a very hardy flower. But a flower is still a flower, not that strong.

gropre: a french-canadian pervert.

Leah said...

It's ramping up to be summer down here. The humidity is creeping back in, after about two months of really nice springy weather. I walked to work this morning and got distinctly sweaty.

CëRïSë said...

Daniel, I think I'll add that information to my internal mono/dialogue: "I'm a pansy!" "Pansies are tolerant of temperature extremes, and thus a very hardy flower." "Yes, but it's still just a flower. Pansy."

And Leah, I was just thinking about being down there last spring. The humidity was killer! Still, two months of really nice spring is pretty great. I guess your trade-off is six months of miserable summer, like ours is six of miserable winter.

Adrianna said...

That is my new favorite comic! :) AWESOME!

CëRïSë said...

Adrianna, I'm so glad you like it!

Mumsie said...

Planting seedlings? Really?

Ern said...

I LOVE spring. :) Even here, where the winter isn't cold. It's just so fresh!

CëRïSë said...

Mumsie, I guess "planting seeds" would be more accurate, since I haven't actually transferred any seedlings yet. But, yes!

And Ern, it's true; it is a lovely season down there, too!