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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saints and Song

Here, at Ellen's request, is a picture of her posing on her bike in my living room when she visited a few summers ago. I like the way the lamp makes a halo behind her head and her pose makes her look like a saint: Ellen, Patron Saint of Indoor Bikers. A few more pictures from the trip are here.

Yesterday, I sang karaoke for the very first time! It surprises even me that it had taken me this long, since those of you who know me at all know how prone I am to song. I was pretty nervous, but did have fun and was assured afterward that it was great. I think I'll try it again!

David, though, stole the show. He was the second-to-last act of the night, and went up not even knowing what his song was, after friends sneaked his name in. He totally rocked "The Joker," and impressed everyone. Awwwww.


Daniel said...

And which song did you impress everyone with?

winast anterep

Adrianna said...

You're braver than I am! I'd probably throw up...

Leah said...

Yeah, what did you sing???!!! I'm dying to know.

CëRïSë said...

Ha! I sang Blondie's "One Way or Another" (I wanted to do "Call Me," but my friends pulled for the former), so it felt like kind of a lot of growling and chanting. Also, karaoke is probably weird in general, but this song felt particularly strange, especially at the end where the machine had me singing the "Where I can see it all/find out who ya call" while the background was doing the "getcha getcha getcha"!

Daniel said...

Did they have Rapture? I think you could have pulled that one off, though a lot of it is more talk/rap than singing. I agree that it's frustrating when the memorable part is the back up vocals and the boring part is the "lead."

shestfiz synoidsi

CëRïSë said...

I don't think they had "Rapture," but that's not one I'm familiar with, so I wasn't looking. I'm pretty sure it was just "Call Me," "The Tide is High," and "One Way or Another."