Well, Internet, I survived jumping out of a plane, and it was mind-blowingly fantastic.
I'll tell you more about it, but first I have something more pressing: I need you to help me decide which glasses frames look best. Here are the results of's "V-try" feature, using a webam shot from this evening:These are my current favorite frames (all $12.99!)--based on this weird simulation, anyway--and I'd love your input (quickly, as I'm hoping to get this order placed asap).
Because doesn't this seem like the perfect opportunity for community involvement?
Ooh, I like the red ones on the top right. I like the shape of the big square ones, but I don't like that pale color (I can't tell what it is).
31912 look nice. I like the slight uplift in the corners.
31910--makes your nose look dainty
My vote for 31910, although I must say, I like you in all of them. It must be great to face that fits so many frames. I feel like I have a terrible time picking out glasses!
I like the top left corner 32. . . and the one below it.
For what it's worth, 31762 seems nice. But I think your face would benefit from a slightly narrower glass frame. IMHO.
PS Congratulations on landing safely and happy 30th to David!
32095, but possibly in red (a la 31910) if they have them. not a fan of the last two trapezoidal ones, but that's a general thing and you look as good in them (to me) as anyone might.
[fun fact: word verification today was 'unchetse'; as i began to type it in, the form-fill thing told me i have apparently entered 'unche' before somewhere. i cannot imagine why.]
I agree with nmrboy about the glasses. We are in WW now. My number is: 509-240-2583. Hope to see you soon!! I'll have to find that bear shirt again and bring you one for Christmas! lol
this is a little after the fact, but my favorites are 31910 (the red ones in the right top corner if i got the number wrong). i also kind of like the idea of the white ones because it's an unexpected choice. they're all really cute, though.
32095. as usual dr. nmr is correct.
You've probably received sufficient feedback but I like 31910 too. Though really none of them look bad on you, good choices!
(Different subject: I'm so sad I missed you when you came through Lincolnland! Thanks for stopping by, it was nice to find a very unexpected note on my desk :) Looks like you had a great trip, hurray!)
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