Some of you are dying to know what my exam questions are. Right? Aren't you?
Well, here they are, anyway; as usual, click for larger (legible) version--if you dare. I received them this morning at 10 a.m., with a note from my advisor that concluded, "Good luck!!" This, coming from a woman of few exclamation points, and from whom I don't believe I have ever seen a double exclamation point, has me unsure of whether to be encouraged or petrified. Having oscillated between the two for the past several months, however, I figure another two weeks of it is to be expected.There are undoubtedly people out there for whom answering these questions would be a snap. I am not one of them.
Still, seeing them, and knowing what I have to do, is much better than the complete fear of the unknown.
So! Off to work!
Woah. I got as far as "While posthumanism..."
I got about as far as Ellen did. Hope you get further. ;)
Oh my GOSH how intriguing! I didn't get most of that and I want more. I want to hear your answers. The Atlantic as a symbol for...how did she put it? Man's savagery? Mmmm. Gold.
Ouch! I (mostly) understood the first question, but the other two went SWOOSH right over me. Maybe it's too early in the morning for me. Good luck. I think you will do well!
you are my hero.
best of luck!
i only got as far as sending a copy to John McEwen.
good luck(!!)
I grimace whenever people double space between sentences and use what appear to be en dashes instead of em dashes when setting off parenthetical phrases. That's my reduction of the irreducible. I've never read or heard anyone use the word irreducible before. Maybe my English degree is out of date. (My anal punctuation annoying know-it-all degree is very up to date.)
I keep thinking I commented on this post, and then realizing I didn't and then still not doing it. But GOOD LUCK to you dear! Although a lot of this is much more clear to me after we talked last month, I'm still amazed at what you're doing. Thinkin' of you!
oh dear. this is highly irrelevant, but when did double spacing between sentences become taboo?
i don't know what you're freaking out about. a friend and i were just discussing iconoclastic interiorized religiosity over beers last week, and i'd be happy to share our insights.
Good luck.
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