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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day seven

The end of Week One! 'Just two more to go...

Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins; almonds
Lunch: Brown rice and garbanzo soup with avocado; avocado wrap in brown rice tortilla; cantaloupe
Snack: Almonds and dates
Dinner: Vegetable curry over brown rice; soy mango smoothie*

Today my brain wasn't really functioning; I had a terrible time concentrating on How we Became Posthuman. Instead, I cooked and cleaned, which at least I could be good at.

The trouble is that books keep arriving--two more came today. I know at least one more is on its way. I feel rather overwhelmed and a bit despondent about finishing them all.

At least I get to be out here in the desert!

*I was thinking at dinner that I could call the smoothie I made a "quasi-lassi," and that got me to thinking of a particular night in Hawaii, the first time we tried to make piña coladas. We used coconut milk instead of coconut cream, and had them over the rocks since we didn't have a blender. As piña coladas, they were dreadful--too tart, and kind of clumpy--but I thought they'd taste better with a different name. I submitted the "Not-a Colada." April liked the "Maui Wowie," and Chris liked the "Honolulu Hammer." By the time April came up with the "Waikiki Why Me?" they were definitely tasting better and better.

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