Bad: I had to give two back-to-back seminar presentations Monday afternoon.
Good: They're over! And my apartment is still clean from this weekend's stress-induced cleaning rampage.
Bad: Last night I was up late grading papers and reading/prepping for teaching today; I left the house without breakfast and ended up teaching fortified by neither food nor caffeine.
Good: I had two of the most truly enjoyable sections I can remember. We did group work, and even some role playing, but the students totally got into it and I laughed (with, not at, them) more than I may have all semester. It was fabulous.
Bad: I have to have a conference paper written by next Friday, and so far don't really have anything.
Good: I have all day tomorrow and Friday to work on it! Two whole days!
Bad: For the class I TA, students turn in 10 (ten!) papers and two take-home essay exams over the course of the semester. That's roughly 600 (six HUNDRED!) 2-3 page papers.
Good: The professor has offered to take one week of grading for both of us TAs, and this week she's taking mine!Bad: Another snowstorm is predicted for this weekend.
Good: I'll be in L.A. this weekend!
Sometimes I can't get over how different your graduate program is from my graduate program. You're out teaching and leading groups and having office hours, grading papers, while I slave away in the lab. :)
Good luck getting everything done!
Going to Jeni's wedding? Wish I was...if you are please tell her hi for me. =)
I like how you look at the bright sides of everything. Me, I have trouble with that.
Give Jeni congrats from me.
oh gosh! how do you manage?!! good luck with all of that!! enjoy sunny cali!
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