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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

So so la so do ti*

Today a few of the 2nd years came by the ARC while I was working and brought me a piece of the birthday cake they'd picked up for Claudio and me. It was really quite nice, and fits well with the theme of this birthday, which has involved the greatest number of people I've known for a short amount of time (essentially just a year) wishing me a happy birthday. It's good to feel like part of a community, even though I'll be abandoning them all in December (and although we're not exactly all out partying tonight... I told them that Bryant was coming out Sunday night and that we'd celebrate then...).

So this ARC job, which kept me inside for seven hours on what may well have been one of the last sunny, warmish days of the year, in a windowless cinderblock room (though it did subject me, handily, to the birthday greetings of numerous passers by), pays minimum wage. However, I found out today that I will be getting a raise, up to--are you ready?--SIX! FIFTY!

That's $6.50, lest there be any confusion at all, per hour. I haven't made that since some time in the early 90s--even when I was doing janitorial work a few years ago. It's almost enough to make you want to go back to school... or something.

*With a knowing nod to boy-Lorin

1 comment:

Ellen said...

six-fidy, you should be the going to visit bryant in california.