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Mpls, MN, United States

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Incidents & Accidents

Friday, March 09, 2012


This is my foot (along with my helpful assistant Pobbes,* who is perpetually intrigued with the camera's wrist strap). The divot you see just below and to the right of the center of the photograph is a scar from the time I dropped my bike on my foot and the chain ring bit out a chunk. It and a mark from another of the teeth are more visible when my foot tans and the scars remain white, but as I attempted to photograph it today, I realized how subtle it is.

Today is the last day that will be the most noticeable scar on my foot.

Remember the X-ray I posted a while ago, showing the apparent source for my toe woes? And how the cortisone injection I had in November (November?!) made it so much better? Well. That wore off, and my foot went back to hurting as much, if not more, than before. It felt worse, anyway, since I was virtually pain free while the cortisone lasted. So! I went back to the podiatrist, and we decided that after exhausting the conservative options, it was time to consider surgery.

He suggested a minimally invasive procedure called a cheilectomy, in which he will remove the osteophyte, clean up the joint, perhaps drill some to stimulate production of new collagen, rinse everything, and then sew me back up. This should take, in his estimate, about 20 minutes. Recovery (which will mostly take place over spring break, next week) will involve a surgical shoe, but no boot or crutches. I only have to wear the shoe while I'm on my feet, and while the stitches are in (10-14 days), and he thinks I can be back to running in three to six months.** (When we were initially discussing the surgery, I immediately did the math in my head, and determined that this would potentially allow me to train for the Twin Cities Marathon--though even I realize this is a bad idea.)

So. I have no illusions that this will be a magical fix, or that my young, healthy, athletic, non-smoking ways will make for a perfectly non-eventful surgery or recovery. But after so long living with this, and having been forced to stop running altogether (and even walking as much as I would like to!), I'm read to give this fix a try. I check in to the surgical center in just over an hour.

*Pobbes is one half of a Kitten Problem we acquired in late January to deal with our (then) Mouse Problem. He and his littermate Isis (Icy) have educated me on just how quickly such small animals can become such a huge source of love (and frustration!). Most of you who still read here are already my FB friends and have access to my "(Almost) Daily Kitten" album, but I'd also be happy to post more kitty pix here!

**My podiatrist is a runner--marathoner, Bostoner, and triathlete--and he is the one whose focus has consistently been on running, which I think is pretty fantastic.


Dr. Brian Wehling said...

Hope your surgery and recovery goes well.

CëRïSë said...

Thanks, Brian! You've met this troublesome foot, so you know what an adventure it's been so far.

Ellen said...

So I have to join facebook to see kitten pictures?

CëRïSë said...

Ellen! You are my best friend who's not on Facebook. Here (hopefully) is the album.

Adrianna said...

Oh wow! Good luck with surgery & recovery! I somehow missed that you haven't been able to run lately. How sad!! (And you know how much I love your (almost) daily kitten album!) :) Kitties' names are fantastic! Where did Pobbes come from?

CëRïSë said...

Thanks for the good wishes, Adrianna! Yeah, not running has been a major drag. I'm really hoping the surgery will allow me to get back to it!

The name Pobbes actually arose from me mishearing David when he suggested that we could name our invisible cat Hobbes! Our invisible cat, Pobbes Bodrick, was around for about a year and a half before we got this visible one. His littermate is Isis Mireille, but we usually call her Icy.

strovska said...

i hope the recovery is going well! and how have i missed those kitten photos? i should visit that Website Which Shall Not Be Named more often, i guess.

CëRïSë said...

Rachel, I should spend less time on the WWSNBN--but the kittens were too cute not to share!

Unknown said...

I hope you are recovering well and that you get to start running again soon! Surgery is not fun. :(

Are you doing TA work this semester? Any summer plans yet?

CëRïSë said...

Thanks, Holly--I am recovering well! I've taken all sorts of pictures I still need to post...

And yes, this semester I'm TA-ing for one class and teaching two classes online. I'm not totally sure about this summer just yet, though a friend and I are applying to team-teach a 4-week class at the U.