We've Moved!
This is the moving announcement card I sent out several weeks ago (photo kindly supplied by Ellen, who snapped it post-postal service journey).
I don't have a picture of the back, but it involved a line drawing of a dirigible... oh! And there was sort of a little seal or stamp:
Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, the old place flooded one too many times for me. (There are those who would argue that even once was one too many, but the rent and location were both excellent, and I do hate moving.)
What we found is the top floor of a duplex owned by a terribly charming young couple who just bought the place in October. It was remodeled before they bought it, so our kitchen and bathroom are brand new, as is the carpet in the bedroom and tiny office. (Ordinarily I try to avoid carpet, but I'm actually quite liking it here.) The kitchen is big enough to fit multiple cooks(!), there's a private garage, and there's free laundry in the basement. It's all very exciting.
Here are a few pictures:
I'm still in the process of decorating (and, admittedly, unpacking!), but things are coming together. I re-covered a bunch of pillows last week, so I'll try to post some pictures of those.
Oh! A bonus picture: This is the St. Vincent de Paul dining set that I'd been "monitoring" in my last post and finally bought last weekend (set for brunch with the downstairs neighbors + friend). I haven't done anything to it yet, including reupholstering the chairs (aside from cleaning/disinfecting it and some Old English Scratch Cover). It's a fairly nice wood, but the tabletop is quite scarred, so I'm debating various options for improving it (including the trusty black spray paint method, which, as I believe Adrianna has addressed, can be quite addictive.) The great thing about the table is that it has two drop-down leaves, so it can be tucked away under the window when we're not entertaining, and can expand to fit six or more. Good times.
Hm, I'd have to agree that one flood is one too many.
I'm sooo jealous of your gas stove and radiant heat! Lucky, lucky you.
Thanks, Leah! When I moved into my first place with a gas stove seven years ago, I was very leery of cooking over fire. Now an electric stove is pretty much a deal-breaker. (The current stove is also about 50% bigger than my last one [shown in this post], which I adore; being able to fit more than one item at a time into the oven totally rules!)
It's a grown up stove.
Ellen, I've been calling it my Grownup Kitchen. The other thing that makes the apartment feel grownup is that it has a hallway--a tiny one, with just room for a linen closet, but a hallway nonetheless.
Loved the bonus picture which provided details with which to connect the dots in my minds eye picture of what your new dining set looks like. Nice! I still vote for leaving it untouched up. Ask me about the super adventuresome meal I served to guests Friday night (not a single recipe pre-tried).
very exciting! i love the old-style radiators, and that string lampshade is so neat.
Thanks, Mom and Rachel! Mom, I'll have to show you a close-up of the damaged surface--and look forward to hearing about your adventuresome entertaining.
Your new abode looks so nice and comfortable! Nice find!
Aww, thanks Larissa! We're awfully happy with it.
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