Ohhhh, I am tired. Like, random moaning tired.Tonight, I signed up for my free trial week at Core Power Yoga and went to two classes with my friend the black belt: a C1 and Yoga Sculpt. The C1 was a nice warm up. The Sculpt kicked my butt and--in 95° plus humidity--made me sweat more than I have ever sweat in my life.
Like, sweat puddling above my clavicles and rolling down my shins. I spent part of the class just sitting, or lying on my back, while the rest of the class continued their squats with weights and insane crunches, but the rest of the time I tried to keep up. It was an amazing workout. Tomorrow, we do Hot Power Fusion. Woo!
Yesterday, David and I machine-washed, line-dried, ironed, and reinstalled the couch cushion covers. I feel like I have a new couch! I also scrubbed the tub so that I could hand-wash my electric blanket and then dry it on the line with the cushion covers.
And there are leaves--tiny leaves!--on the trees. We didn't have any snow in March, generally one of our snowier months, for the first time since records have been kept. I'm not ruling out the possibility of an April snowstorm, but I think that spring may actually be here.
Happy Spring, dear Ceri!
My parents got 6 inches in Bismarck this past weekend--you're lucky it missed you! :)
Spring cleaning!! It makes you feel so good.
Erin, a very happy spring to you as well!
Carissa, I do feel lucky about that!
And Leah, it did feel great. Now if I only felt more motivated to tackle things like my closets and filing cabinet...
wow, your yoga classes sound much more challenging than mine (which is mostly attended by older ladies).
i'm looking forward to all your japan pictures when i have more time!
Hey! New blog url for you from me:
Sorry I didn't send you the update. I've been busy.
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