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Tuesday, March 09, 2010


My mom forwarded me this picture today, from a friend who had sent it to her.

I thought it was taken in the summer of 2005, when I lived with my parents in southern California and worked at the same hospital as my mom, until I realized that this particular friend's birthday, which we had been celebrating that day, is in January. Revised date estimate: January 8, 2006.
Ohhh, winter in southern California. How I miss you.


Leah said...

The light in that picture is so nice...makes you both look so golden and alive.

CëRïSë said...

It's true! That light makes you feel golden and alive.

Mumsie said...

Doesn't Joel's hair look great?!

CëRïSë said...

The Rockstar does have excellent hair, as usual!

BrianV said...

Winter in Southern Cal would be nice. I afraid that's about the only thing I could really appreciate living there, though.

Still, a heartwarming picture on a cold day! :)

april said...

that is straight-up a gorgeous picture.

CëRïSë said...

Thanks, Brian and Seester!

Melinda said...

I miss the winters as they should be, instead I'm back in NE getting excited when it hits 45 degrees AND is sunny at the same time! You're so good at blogging. I never blog anymore, but my very interesting life involves a lot of patient confidentiality now... You're inspiring me though!

CëRïSë said...

Melinda, I'm so with you on how winters should be! On the other hand, our winters do mean pretty amazing springs. I'm looking forward to reading more of the "gregan" blog!