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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Duct Tape Dummy

So this weekend, David helped me make a dress form out of duct tape! I'm not going to go into the details of the Whole Long Process right now, but as you can tell from the time-lapse video below, it was indeed LONG, and a PROCESS* and David pretty much deserves sainthood for his invaluable help.

I may write more about the project later, but as the list of things about which I mean to write later (ahem, Avatar) continues to grow, I wouldn't hold your breath.

*One, sadly, still underway, as I try to make her look even more like me.


Daniel said...

This is super. Thank you for sharing, and having the decency to lapse the time.


Adrianna said...

That was pretty much AMAZING! Never seen someone make a dress form out of duct tape... And yes, I think David should get some kind of an award for giving up a weekend like that.

Carissa said...

The video is so FUN! I'm trying to figure out why it took so long to stuff the form. . .

Leah said...

Oh, I've seen someone do this on--was it apartment therapy??

It's such a cool idea that you'd have a form that's exactly your shape and size. Good for you!

Ellen said...

First the fabric warehouse, next the duct tape dummy...what could be next?

CëRïSë said...

Thanks, guys!

Carissa, it took about an hour to wrap and something like three hours to stuff. The fiberfill I used compresses quite a bit, and I was trying to get the form firm but not bursting, so it was a pretty painstaking process. It could probably have been done faster, but I wanted the form to last and not to sag, as well as to actually mirror my shape (which, as I mentioned, I'm still trying to perfect--the form's shape, that is!).

Leah, there are quite a few tutorials online, notably Threads Magazine, and lots in the blogosphere from people who have tried them, so you may have seen some of that floating about.

And Ellen, what's next (theoretically) is tailoring and sewing clothes! Woo-hoo!

strovska said...

oh my goodness, you did this! i've been thinking about it for a while, but i'm not sure either i nor my significant other have the patience for an hour's worth of wrapping. keep us posted on the forthcoming sewing projects--maybe that will motivate me to do it.

Becca said...

I like it! I need to post the finished pix of mine. Justin made this pretty wooden stand for it and stained it red. Make David make you one.

CëRïSë said...

Strovksa, I did! Pictures will doubtless follow if projects ensue (as I hope they will).

And Becca, I can't wait to see the pictures of yours. Mine is on a stand, though not a pretty one (a dowel in my Christmas tree stand); still, it works!

Unknown said...

Now I'm waiting for pictures of the clothes to go with the duct tape dummy.

CëRïSë said...

So I've been taking pictures of my first project with the dummy, but the garment is unfinished and the jury's out. I'll be sure to keep you all posted!