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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Winter Adventuring

Today ended up being kind of fabulous. It was sunny and hit 36°!

Here are a few snaps of the highlights: Belgian waffles; hanging my new coatrack shelf;* frozen, slippery Minnehaha Falls (including crazy kids); sunset city skyline; and Washburn water tower and the Tanglewood neighborhood.

And two more, shots taken earlier of Christmas gifts: the scarf my sister gave me, and the balaclava my mom gave me (just before a Winter Ninja Run).

*Which required buying a bit to drill the missing pilot holes, two drywall anchors and long screws to mount it to the wall (since the two tiny included hooks weren't going to cut it), and insane amounts of patience. But not all that much money! David reminds me that you get what you pay for--and for $10.99 plus shipping, it's not terrible (and, incidentally, not as red as it looks in the picture).


Leah said...

I'm impressed with the coat rack. We wimped out this time and "installed" a bunch of over-the-door hooks. They seem to be working OK, but not nearly as classy as yours.

Daniel said...

I'm impressed with the water tower. Sadly, according to Wikipedia, Harry Wild Jones, the architect, had an eagle that attacked him while clearing brush maimed and captured. But I do like the Guardians of Health, always have been a fan of those Art Deco statues.


CëRïSë said...

Leah, thanks for the classy. Having it on the wall is an improvement; it looked pretty sad in pieces, just out of the box.

And Daniel, I read your comment wrong: I was thinking the architect had been maimed and captured by the eagle, and that struck me as funnier than the (sadder) reality.

Adrianna said...

Ceri, you make me giggle... (About the architect.)
And the water tower looks very Lord of the Rings to me. Totally impressive! Ours here are chalky mint green with roses painted on them- very commonplace and not at all awe inspiring.

Ern said...

Hello, winter!

BrianV said...

Ah, Minnesota in the winter. I'm glad I can enjoy it from a distance--via your blog :) Beautiful pictures!

CëRïSë said...

Adrianna: Always happy to provide a giggle!

Erin: Winter indeed! I could use a little southern California about now.

And Brian: I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. You and Bozz can come visit our winter wonderland any time!