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Sunday, March 26, 2006

"Whoa-oh, we're half way there..."

This morning my nose and shoulders were still peeling from the 8-miler Bryant and I ran with my dad in sunny Palm Springs last Wednesday. That was the most I'd run in the past three weeks, due to travel and one unfortunate week of illness, but today I did my scheduled 13 anyway.

Today was neither sunny, nor 75 degrees, and I did not get sunburned, despite being out for two and a half hours. That is how long it took me to finish my personal half-marathon: an average mile pace of nearly 12 minutes. Granted, that includes a few stops--chatting with another runner new to town who was interested in local trails and to whom I showed Wintergarden, my usual hydration pick-up at the (aptly named Marathon) gas station, and some stretching for my sore hips.

The sad thing is that not only did the run use up approximately 1/5 of today's available daylight hours, I've been doing everything at half-speed since then. Aside from poking food into my face, I've accomplished extraordinarily little. This is dangerous since I still have to make final adjustments to my thesis (due tomorrow) and haven't begun Tuesday's lecture PowerPoint. I keep fighting off the urge to nap, since I have so much to do, but my current pace has been so slow that I'm thinking I might be better off just sleeping.


bryant said...

I only made it 12 miles in 2h9min. I'll do better next time.

Daniel said...

You two need perspective. I've never run 13 yet, not even 7. Should I actually run 13 or more as I train for the half?

Carissa said...

I'm not an expert or anything, but I don't think you need to run 13 or more while training for the half marathon, Daniel. I think 10 is plenty, but if you have time enough to work up to 13 before the half, than it shouldn't harm you any.

bryant said...

I agree, I don't think you should run 13 yet. You should probably run 7 though. Is it about a month until the Lincoln Marathon? If you ran 10 two weeks before the race that would be good.

CëRïSë said...

Training for the Lincoln full, we didn't run more than 20, so I agree that you're fine running less than 13 for the half. One of the girls training for the half did run 15 with Bryant and me, but it was more than she'd planned on doing. She wanted to run the half fast; I mostly wanted to just finish the full.

Daniel said...

Thank you all, I will take your advice to my feet.

Anonymous said...

but is it bon jovi or def leppard? :)