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Monday, December 18, 2006

Dressed for success

As I was pulling my clean laundry and gallon of paint from my car this afternoon, I thought about the teenaged Ace Hardware employee who had waxed enthusiastic about sci-fi writer Harlan Ellison while he mixed my paint (he had made a William Gibson allusion about computers taking over humans' jobs; I admitted to owning Neuromancer [thanks, Ted], and it went from there). Then I thought about the balding man who had excitedly described to me the recent book he'd read on gram-positive and gram-negative germs and the Salem witch trials, after seeing the cover of my Guns, Germs and Steel (thanks, Bryant).

I was wondering why these two nice fellows had been so excited about talking to me. Then I realized that I was completely makeup-less, and that, with most of my clothes in the laundry, I was wearing my gray ear-flap hat, my black wool pea coat buttoned completely over a too-small sweater, gray wool slacks, and trail runner tennis shoes with white sport socks.

Clearly, that is the winning combination.


utenzi said...

Two great books and an ecletic wardrope and that wonderful smile--definitely a winning combination, Cerise. Merry Christmas!

strovska said...

have you finished Guns, Germs, and Steel yet? i thought it looked really interesting, but keep forgetting to check it out from the library.

Ellen said...

i thought Collapse by jared diamond was better.

strovska said...

i suddenly have so many library books to reserve....

Larissa said...

They wanted to talk to you because they couuld see the intelligence gleaming out of our eyes. Although, I really would like to see you in that outfit. :]